Dryer Won't Dry?
Dryer doesn’t operate properly: You may find that it takes longer to dry your clothes. Your clothing may feel hotter than usual at the end of the drying cycle. Or, your dryer may shut off before the end of its cycle.
Airflow to your dryer will be reduced: When your dryer’s air flow path is clogged, fresh air can’t get into your dryer. Therefore, your dryer wouldn’t work properly and could overheat, leading to a home fire. About 20,000 dryer fires occur in the United States each year. And 32% of these fires are due to a malfunction like frozen vents.
Dryer Frozen-lint
Your dryer vent plays an essential role in drying your clothes. It helps direct hot air and moisture from the dryer to the exterior vent. If you didn’t have a dryer vent, all the hot air and moisture would end up in your home where it would cause wood rot and mold growth among other issues. During the winter, if your dryer vent transition duct follows a vertical path as in most new homes, the following problem-issue will occur:
*Know as Frozen-Lint, accumulation of lint trying to flow out a vertical duct requires more effort; thus, creating Frozen-Lint on any attic exterior angle vent exiting your home. This requires a special service we call “Attic Work” in which we access dryer vent transition duct via attic, disconnect line and utilize a specific cleaning process in order to remove frozen lint accumulated on angle of exterior vent.
Your Total Dryer Vent Cleaning Solutions Plus+
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