Commercial Services
Alberta Duct Services has a special team of technicians devoted to cleaning dryer vents in Commercial Facilities. Commercial use can collect excess lint in debris in the vent lines, this excess lint is the most common source of ignition for dryer fires, which accounts for over 15,000 yearly. In addition to the risk of fire, excess lint and debris can lead to clogs and decreased efficiency, as well as additional energy use.

We’re a professional duct cleaning operation based in Edmonton – Red Deer – Calgary Alberta, and we understand the risk involved with clogged or ill-maintained ducts — particularly where dryers are concerned. On a long enough timeline, a dryer duct will clog and potentially combustion will occur. Our dryer vent cleaning process can ensure that this does not happen. We can even present you with a certificate of cleaning to document the entire process. Whatever your location in Edmonton and surrounding areas, we’re available to assess and clean your air ducts. Not only does this process ensure safety and improve the efficiency of your appliance, it will also save you more money down the road because of utilities. There’s no need to delay! Call today and schedule an inspection with our dryer vent cleaning professionals.
Reasons to Regularly Clean Commercial-Industrial Applications
Firstly, this may cause a fire. Lint accumulation and the decrease of air exhaust provide excellent conditions for spontaneous combustion. Lint is extremely inflammable and one of the main component to start a fire.
Secondly, it will take much longer to dry clothes if a duct is not clean. This means that more gas and electric energy are wasted. This will certainly reflect your utility bills and your customers satisfaction ratings is you operate Laundromats.